
The MiniMailBox is the perfect transport system for transport of Biological Substances, Category B. Tested by the BAM (Germany) and approved for the P650 and PI650. For extra protection of your expensive specimens you can choose to use the Transportblisters or a Safetybag with bubbles. Part of the P650 and PI650 are the leakproofbags and absorbent materials. The complete P650/PI650 transport system: ref. 520150 ( MiniMailBox, Safetybag bubble and 4 bay absorbent) is developted to save money and transport your samples easily by Letterpost as the box fits in every letterbox.
For The Netherlands
P650 for transport by mail is adjusted to the local situation in the Netherlands (no mail is transported by air). Inside the custom-made PolyMed a SafetyBag, a transportblister (protection of the sample and the rigid part of the P650) and enough absorbing material that can absorb the total content of the blister, is placed. This combination is tested by a Government Testing Institute (TNO) and approved.